4 days to go!
The last couple of....
Die letzten Wochen haben wir genutzt um noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten fertig zu machen und dann war da noch eine Sache, die leider "noch mal ganz" von vorne muss.
An Vatertag soll dann alles fertig sein, Freitag etwas testen und dann geht's am Wochenende los!
... of weeks we used to finish the last little bits - and then there is this thing, that needs completely redone.
This upcoming Thursday it's the last day and then some testing on Friday and then it's "gone Pulling" this coming weekend!
It will be some VERY easy steps for now, as we can't afford to break it. So - low gear, low boost, low weight and plenty of fuel - and then collect data and see what all will fall off!
Es werden mal ein paar ganz kleine Schritte, weil wir es uns echt nicht leisten können, was kaputt zu machen.
Also, kleiner Gang, wenig Ladedruck, wenig Gewicht und reichlich Sprit - und dann mal Daten sammeln und gucken, was alles so abfällt :)
Wir fahren Samstag morgen rüber nach Volkmarst und sollen Sonntag mittags das erste mal starten!
Kommt vorbei!!!
Dienstag, 28. Mai 2019
Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2019
Back Home
Wind Up! is back home in Eastern Friesland.
Last Sunday we (Johannes and me) took our "Mascot" (Renault van - or the "French mini bull") with the trailer of Wolffs Mietpark down to Scheepers Motorsport to pick up the tractor. The big question was, will the van pull this heavy load?
Actually it's quite ridiculous to use a van to haul all our sh*t to events, but then.. actually not.
The Mascot came with a workbench and some cabinets and was used as a "rolling workshop" before.
Along with Christian Gerdes we put in a foldable twin bed which sits high enough to still get a foldable army bed below it. So we can theoretically sleep three guys in there. Actually, there is enough room to put another foldable bed in there - but we're only pulling in summer and there is this invention called "tent".
Anyhow.. we also put one of those 200 bucks Chinese diesel heaters in there and it works just fine. While we were at the Pull at Füchtorf we had a cozy 21 C / 70F during the night while outside it was down to 3°C/38 °F.
So - it sleeps three with heating, has a workbench, 12V and 230 V power supply on board, takes all the fuel containers, benches, pavilions, power tools, stove, fridge... perfect.
The question though remained: Does that 3l 130hp Nissan four-banger under the hood have enough power to get us where we want to go?
Pulling out of Peter Scheepers driveway and 2 mls down the road was the first test. Up the Rhine river bridge!
Well.. what can I say?
It's an angry little Gremlin!
Pulled through all 6 gears and accelerated up the steep ramp onto the bridge.
Also the little tunnel under the Ems river which is rather steep on it's way back up it just kept going in 6th gear.
Going down the motorway it also easily exceeds every speed limit - we're all set!!!
Arriving back home on a Sunday evening half of the team and their girls were there, so unloading was easy and the tractor is now back in Thorsten's "emergency care" part of the workshop.
There are still some little things to be done before we can go pull at Volkmarst next month.
The major thing is the turbo shielding:
Thanks to Freakshow Performance we had some already pre-cut and bend sheet metal and Thorsten is now busy building the shielding.
I am tinkering around with more electrical stuff and the fenders will need some more attention, too. But basically things are looking very promising for us to be out on the track next month!!!
Btw: I am keeping the Facebook site of the team quite up to date as well as the picture gallery.
I don't have much time to write a lot at the moment as we're actually working on the WindUp!
So .. like the Facebook page and check out our picture gallery!
Last Sunday we (Johannes and me) took our "Mascot" (Renault van - or the "French mini bull") with the trailer of Wolffs Mietpark down to Scheepers Motorsport to pick up the tractor. The big question was, will the van pull this heavy load?
Actually it's quite ridiculous to use a van to haul all our sh*t to events, but then.. actually not.
The Mascot came with a workbench and some cabinets and was used as a "rolling workshop" before.
Along with Christian Gerdes we put in a foldable twin bed which sits high enough to still get a foldable army bed below it. So we can theoretically sleep three guys in there. Actually, there is enough room to put another foldable bed in there - but we're only pulling in summer and there is this invention called "tent".
Anyhow.. we also put one of those 200 bucks Chinese diesel heaters in there and it works just fine. While we were at the Pull at Füchtorf we had a cozy 21 C / 70F during the night while outside it was down to 3°C/38 °F.
The question though remained: Does that 3l 130hp Nissan four-banger under the hood have enough power to get us where we want to go?
Pulling out of Peter Scheepers driveway and 2 mls down the road was the first test. Up the Rhine river bridge!
Well.. what can I say?
It's an angry little Gremlin!
Pulled through all 6 gears and accelerated up the steep ramp onto the bridge.
Also the little tunnel under the Ems river which is rather steep on it's way back up it just kept going in 6th gear.
Going down the motorway it also easily exceeds every speed limit - we're all set!!!
Arriving back home on a Sunday evening half of the team and their girls were there, so unloading was easy and the tractor is now back in Thorsten's "emergency care" part of the workshop.
There are still some little things to be done before we can go pull at Volkmarst next month.
The major thing is the turbo shielding:
Thanks to Freakshow Performance we had some already pre-cut and bend sheet metal and Thorsten is now busy building the shielding.
I am tinkering around with more electrical stuff and the fenders will need some more attention, too. But basically things are looking very promising for us to be out on the track next month!!!
Btw: I am keeping the Facebook site of the team quite up to date as well as the picture gallery.
I don't have much time to write a lot at the moment as we're actually working on the WindUp!
So .. like the Facebook page and check out our picture gallery!
Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2019
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